Sean is a blockchain consultant, architect, advisor and researcher and has delivered over 50 talks and training workshops throughout New Zealand, Australia, USA, Singapore, Korea and The Phillipines on all aspects of Bitcoin, blockchains, smart contracts and ICOs.
Sean is a Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBP – License e7a402), designed and delivered New Zealand’s first blockchain training course leading to certification and also a Certified Blockchain Professional (CBP – License ECC6925801743).
Sean is the former past president and current executive member of Blockchain New Zealand and is involved in several working groups within ISO/TC307 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies as part of the NZ Standards committee.
Sean has been active in the crypto space since late 2014 creating various projects such as Ubering energy on the blockchain, accounting on the blockchain and placing his land title on the blockchain.
Sean is passionate about this technology and enjoys helping others understand the potential of this technology and when time permits, takes a hands on approach to help the learning process.
Talks, Presentations & Workshops (Highlights)
- Jun 17: NZHIT Emerging Tech in Health Symposium: Blockchains in Health
- Aug 17: Cybersecurity in Health Symposium: How secure is your health data on the blockchain?
- Nov 17: 2nd in Australian Blockchain Hackathon
- Dec 17: Insurance & Law Association: Blockchain and Insurance
- Dec 17: NZ’s first blockchain training course leading to certification
- Jan 18: NZ’s first smart contract workshop
- Feb 18: NewstalkZB with Heather Du Plessis-Allan: Bitcoin
- Mar 18: Tokenomics workshop for PwC: Created PwCToken on Ethereum
- Mar 18: Bitcoin/Blockchain training to NZ Police High Tech Crime Unit
- Apr 18: NZ Standards Approval Board: Benefits of Blockchain Technology to New Zealand
- Apr 18: NZPICS Supply Chain Conference 2018: Blockchain in Supply Chain
- Apr 18: Keynote speaker at Todd Energy bi-annual strategy conference: The Blockchain Landscape
- Jul 18: Wgtn/Akl/Chch tour: What is blockchain and how you can contribute
- Sep 18: Akl CareChain NZ: Blockchain applications in Healthcare Symposium
- Oct 18: Singapore blockchain 101 presentation to Proctor & Gamble
- Nov 18: Seoul – 5 day Enterprise Ethereum training for LG CNS (R&D team)
- Dec 18: Manila – 5 day Enterprise Ethereum training for Union Bank
- Feb 19: Seoul – 5 day Ethereum developer train the trainer for SK Global
- May 19: Ethereal New York: Revolutionising the way we learn blockchains
- Jun 19: Bank of South Pacific AGM in Papua New Guinea: Blockchain in Banking
- Nov 19: Singapore Fintech Festival: The Blockchain Decade
- Certified Blockchain Professional (CBP – License e7a402)
- Atlassian Authorised Instructor
- IIB Council Certified iBusiness Instructor (ECC45202548526)
- IIB Council Certified Blockchain Instructor (ECC6925801743)
- Chainalysis Cryptocurrency Fundamentals Certification
- Chainalysis Reactor Certification
Personal Journey
- HVHS technology scholarship industry contribution
- Contributed to STEM Festival week.
- Wellington Blockchain Meetup co-organizer
- Wellington Smart Contracts Workshop organizer
- SeniorNet: What is Bitcoin
- M.E.M (Masters in Engineering Management), University of Canterbury, New Zealand
- B.E. (Hons) 2nd class, 1st division