This evening there was a meetup under the Decentralised Future Education Program where there was  a panel discussion about the latest development in the blockchain space covering legal aspects including jurisdictional, privacy and tax issues. The panelists were:

  • Anand Chawra (Principal @ Boston Consulting Group)
  • Bonnie Yiu (Co-founder @
  • Michael Bacina (Partner @ Piper Alderman)
  • Nick Addison (Systems Architect @ Consensys)
  • Tom Terado (moderator)

There was also Zhongxing Ming (Founder & CEO) from BlockCloud talking about  Blockchain-based Advanced TCP/IP.

There was a great turn out and the food was something from the top draw! I’m sure the sponsors, Adelaide Blockchain, bitfwd, NextGenius had something to do with that!


There are two further events coming up next Monday and the Monday after so keep a look out at:

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