It was unfortunate but a few days ago (the 14th of November) there were 2 huge events on at exactly the same time. First there was a Future of Bitcoin, Ethereum, ICOs & the blockchain panel discussion with special guest Dr Craig Wright beamed in from London which drew ~250 people and then there was the ConsenSys $50M Blockchain Fund + Community Pitches 2 blocks down the road that also drew 250+ people.
I ended up going to the panel discussion because I wanted to hear from the self proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto.
The panelist comprised of Dr Craig Wright (Bitcoin Guru), Bok Khoo (Ethereum Guru), Rob Allen (PWC), Lasanka Perera (Independent Reserve) and Tobias Abbey (Investor).
Craig was really the main person everyone came to see. He is very polarising and didn’t swear at all this time compared to his talk in Arnhem. He is definitely very knowledgable and despite what people may think, the community is better with him than without.
One highlight was when Bokky asked Craig to transfer 0.001 bitcoins from block #1 to him and he would send 10 times more in ether back. Craig declined saying he doesn’t want his money.
Craig was generous with his time answering lots of questions from the audience, albeit in a round about way and talking virtual selfies. I couldn’t resist!
Afterwards a bunch of us went around the block to the ConsenSys meetup that was just about finishing. The neat thing is that it was live streamed.
The level of activity in Sydney is amazing which naturally leads to a faster rate of learning. There are the usual ongoing weekly meetups but the next major event is the Ethereum Blockchain Hackathon on Friday 24th November through to Sunday the 26th.